Islamic/ Islamized/Mawali Civilization:-
Before I address this question, there is an extremely important word that has to be defined first, which is at the root of this discussion, this word is civ·i·li·za·tion.
According to the English language, civ·i·li·za·tion comprises a society which is in an advanced state of social development, with complex legal, political and religious organizations; that is, in an advanced state of intellectual, cultural, and material development in human society, marked by progress in the arts and sciences, the extensive use of record-keeping, including writing, and the appearance of complex political and social institutions.
In Pagan Arabia, and until after the start of the Arab Empire, 5/6 of the population of al Hijaz was nomadic. Nomads can never create a civilisation.
Civilizations cannot be created on the move, on horseback or on camelback.
Hence the idea of an Arab civilisation is only a 'vivid' figment of their own imagination; there never was an Arab civilization in the Hijaz where Muhammad was borne.
Pagan Arabs left extremely few written records or any monuments expressing their so called civilisation and culture. Also, according to the historical records, it was the Jews who cultivated the land around the Madina and other parts of Arabia and introducing to the Arabs - besides Monotheism/Islam - such fruits as apricots, dates, apples, oranges, bananas etc.
The Arabian nomads, as reflected in their poetry and traditions, had nothing but contempt for people who tilled the land, because they truly believed that the life of the nomad was the most manly and noble.
Like everything else about Muhammadan Islam, FACTS and REALITY are CONTRARY to ALL of their exaggerated and invariably false and wishful thinking declarations.
Let us examine the historical facts as recorded by the Muhammadan Muslims themselves and their contemporaries.
In the Arabian Peninsula where Muhammad was born, the Arabs were among the most illiterate, superstitious and unlearned nomadic and semi nomadic people in what we call the Middle East today.
Although surrounded by other truly advanced cultures, they had not even the semblance of a CIVILIZATION to speak of:
They had no central authority such as a king or a Priest/ king, no government, no army, no civil service, no arts, no sciences and no record keeping.
The Arabs, under the banner of so called Islam, conquered several civilizations on three continents:
The Zoroasterian Sassanid Persian Empire; the Byzantine Christian Empire; the Coptic Christian Egyptians; the Hindu Indians; the Buddhist Chinese, etc. These were truly advanced civilizations.
It is therefore INCONCEIVABLE to suggest, that the Arabs could have imparted ANYTHING of value to the subjugated peoples of these conquered civilizations.
In Arabic, the subject people who converted to Muhammadan Islam are called MAWALI, meaning CLIENTS/FOLLOWERS/SUPPORTERS. This is an extremely relevant and important word BECAUSE it is from among the conquered people of these CIVILIZATIONS, that the Arab Imperialists were able to build their mosques, their palaces, run their trade and economies, collect taxes and take census.
The Arabian-Muhammadan conquests were instrumental into bringing Western/Christian and Eastern/Sassanid/Indian civilizations into an amalgam that produced an incredible - but short lived - flourish of what can only be called a
since it was based almost entirely upon the product and genius from among the indigenous peoples or the CONVERTS of the conquered territories: Byzantine Christians, Jews, Persian Zoroasterians & Hindus. They formed the intellectual and learned elite upon whom depended the administration and finance of the Arab Empire.
They formed the backbone and were among the most important 'Muslim' philosophers, scientists and thinkers; only a few of them were of pure Arab stock, while the majority were from among the Mawali.
It was mostly the Christians & Jews of the conquered territories who were the ones who translated to Arabic most of the Greek, Byzantine, Persian, Hebrew, and Indian sciences, philisophies and literature.
The only thing 'Islamic' about these achievements is that they occured under the umbrella of the 'Muslim' conquerors. In most cases, those who excelled did so IN SPITE of 'Islam' and NOT because of it.
The use of the terms 'Islamic' or 'Islamized' is utterly wrong since the conquered peoples were ARABIZED, that is, the subject peoples were enslaved and made to pay heavy taxes in their own land to those who plundered them.
They were deprived of their original religion, traditions and fetishes and were forced to accept instead the Arab's version of culture and belief such as praying towards Mecca, an Arabian holy place.
They were made to go on pilgrimage to the Ka'ba, a previously Pagan Arabian shrine now wrapped up in the mantle of 'Islam'.
They were forced to learn Arabic which in time superceded their original language and finally to deny and erase the history of the conquered peoples prior to the Arab invasions.
The conquered peoples were coerced into reading and writing in Arabic and to follow Sharia' law, oppressing them even further.
Their temples and shrines were plundered, destroyed and or converted into Muhammadan Arabian mosques.
Their knowledge, fables, literature, religious beliefs, traditions, fetishes, sciences and poetry were plagiarised, plundered, pirated and or perverted by the Muhammadan Muslims who asserted later on that it was theirs in the first place.
In reality, what was being imposed upon the unfortunate conquered peoples, was a system of ARABIZATION and NOT ISLAMIZATION since the latter is the concept of believing in the One God.
From 701 to 1424, a period of about 700 years, a maximim of 80 scientists and scholars under the sword of Muhammadan Islam - mostly from among the Mawali - contributed a wealth of advancement in many branches of knowledge.
It is vitally important for the readers to realize, that these scholars, based their knowledge on foundations first set by others, centuries before them:
Egyptian, Hebrew, Persian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Indian , etc whose knowledge and writings were translated to Arabic by men from the conquered peoples, by converts to Muhammadan Islam (Mawali) as well as by Jews, Christians and others.
The so called Islamic Science and or Islamic Civilization had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Muhammadan Islam.
Almost the entirety of these scholars and scientists EXCELLED not because of Muhammadan Islam but IN SPITE of Muhammadan Islam since they were invariably SECULAR thinkers.
No KNOWLEDGE whatsoever, in the sciences, arts, engineering, architecture, philosophy etc, etc can possibly sprout under Fundamentalist Muhammadan Islam, because the ONLY knowledge that Fundamentalist Muhammadan Islam can recognize as valid and worthy, is knowledge of the Quran which they call ILM.
Out of the eighty or so scientists and scholars mentioned above only a HANDFUL were pure Arabs. The remainder were Persian, Turkik, Jews, Christians, Kurds, Sabians, Spaniards, North African, etc.
In reality, this science and this civilization should be, and must be called
and or
because Muhammadan Islam contributed absolutely nothing to its evolution, propagation and or establishment.
Nothing of value in human intellectual endeavours can possibly be created or grow under Fundamentalist Muhammadan Islam.
Muhammadan Muslims reading this chapter, will be outraged at such statements.
Well, let them think about the following facts and find out the common denominator that underlines them:
1 Can any follower of Muhammad name TEN Muhammadan Muslims who have contributed anything whatsoever to human intellectualtual, spiritual, artistic and or philosophical advancement from among the tens of millions in the Arabian Peninsula in the last 1372 years between 635 to 2007?
2 Can any follower of Muhammad name TEN Muhammadan Muslims who have contributed anything whatsoever to the advancement of human knowledge in the sciences, arts, philosophy, theological discourse etc, from among the Hundreds of Millions of Muhammadan Muslims in the world during the 500 years from 1450 to 1950 AD?
The historical records show conclusively - then and at the present - that absolutely nothing intellectual, artistic, innovative or creative can grow from Muhammadan Islam.
The only reason that they cannot find these scientists or scholars is because Fundamentalist Muhammadan Islam cannot survive under the bright light of
knowledge, freedom of thought, freedom of expression, freedom of religious belief and or freedom of intellectual dialogue and debate,
because the best and most perfect system of Fundamentalist Muhammadan Islam is that of the TALIBAN in Afghanistan:
Fundamentalist Muhammadan Islam can only exist in DARKNESS and as we know, very little if anything can bloom and prosper in the dark without sunshine.
That is why, very little knowledge, if any, emanates from over 50 Muhammadan Muslim states in the world today.
The above statements and FACTS are available for all to read and no amount of Muhammadan Muslim anger, diatribes, hatemongering threats and terror can change an iota of them.
Muhammadan Muslims thrive in the Twilight Zone of DENIAL and of blaming all others.
The Denial of FACTS;
the denial of REALITY;
the Blame Others Syndrome.
For as long as they are not willing or able to face facts, Muhammadan Islam and Muhammadan Muslims will continue to remain forever fixed in the TIME WARP of the SEVENTH CENTURY, the time of Muhammad and his Quran.